The performance level of a team is matter of great concern for many business establishments. Especially, when it comes to a call center industry then the service level of a team will completely depend upon their style of working. The performance of a team in the telemarketing services industry can face a great challenge to meet the deadlines and thus there is a probability to show poor effort while meeting the company demands. Let us discuss some of the symptoms that determine the poor output of a team in a call answering industry
Call Center Cubicle- The Gold Spot of Every Calling Agent
The life at a call center is very interesting for people who want to make it their long term career. A friendly environment with a professional set-up of ergonomically placed interiors sometimes motivates the customer care executives (CCE) in a better way. Especially, the workstations from where they make calls are so far the most important aspect of interiors.
CCEs spend 90% of their scheduled hours in these cubicles. These cubicles become a secondary home for many of them. Some telemarketing call centers do not allow to customize the cubicles, but a most of them gives the freedom to decorate it as per the wish of the employees. Now, the question comes – Is really essential to decorate your personal cubicle? How does it help you?
The answer is simple. The cubicles may not have a long lasting effect on the working style, but it can certainly develop some inspiration or motivate the CCEs to perform well. The love for a cubicle is like the love for their place or responsibility. A cubicle can beautifully decorate with some motivational posters, some quotes, photographs of some renowned personalities, etc. The cubicles at the phone answering call centers may have a very little space. But if planned accordingly, these places can be a perfect example to define their personality and creativity which in turn can motivate the other employers to a great extent.
Some tips to decorate the cubicle:
Your cubicle can be decorated with some flowers. We all like fresh flowers in a vase. The cubicle can also be utilized for keeping a note book, a pen stand, some statues of Gods, etc. Others prefer to paste their best quotations, sketches, cartoons, collage, etc. Moreover, some CCEs like to keep the cubicle empty but it is much disciplined.
What Can Your Cubicle Highlight?
A well-managed cubicle can be a great source of inspiration for the calling agents who does not prefer a mandatory discipline inside the office premises. They might ignore these small parts of sincerity for a day or two. But on a serious note, if they happen to see it daily, they are bound to change their habit and bring some changes in their behavior too. Discipline is very much essential to show success in the telephone call centers services.
It is just a matter of perspective for many of us. If we keep our workstations well arranged, our love towards our job will certainly be positive and inspirational. Call center outsourcing companies need to concentrate on these small aspects that actually work as the pillars of growth.
Night Shift In Call Centers Made Easy – Learn It How!
Life at a call center can be a great fun and excitement along with the professional environment. As a call center worked for some definite international and domestic processes, the shift timings can rotate simultaneously. If you were never ready for a night shift, then it is time to wake up! As an employee of BPO industry, you need to adopt to the business hours of another country. Working in the night shifts can be a little difficult at the initial level. But the gradual practice and dedication to the business ethics will make you comfortable within a short interval. There are certain ways to make it an enjoyable experience.
Here are five suggestions to turn the night shift into a normal life. Read them carefully:
1. Don’t Keep Your Stomach Empty
The hectic schedule of an offshore inbound call center may keep you busy and you can easily lose interest in the eating habits. Therefore, it is recommended that call centre executives (CCE) carry food, snacks, water, etc. to keep yourself active during night shift.
2. Rotating Shifts in All Conditions
The process of rotational shifts in the call center outsourcing environment is very common. Therefore, in order to adjust with all the international shifts, request our team leader to rotate your shift from morning to afternoon, afternoon to night or from night to morning. This will make your body and mind work with a perfect co-ordination.
3. Sleep Is Must
A perfect sleep schedule acts as an energy booster. A sound sleep of about (7-8) hours can be a perfect medicine to cure mental stress and physical stress as usual. Calling agent who tends to work in rotational sleep finds it a great challenge to make it a part of daily life. Therefore, it is advisable that a CCE agent should set a fixed schedule so that the health does not deteriorate with the changing style of work.
4. Engage In Social Activities
Socializing is an excellent method to keep yourself relaxed and happy. Try to spend some time with your family members, your loved ones, etc. It also helps to keep you mentally fit. Engage yourself in your passions and hobbies and go out for vacations when you have enough time to rest. Playing with your pets can also be helpful to kill stress. Working in night shift does not mean that you are detained from personal life. It is your life and you are the best person to judge your choices.
5. Keep Fitness
Keeping yourself fit during the professional life at inbound call center is essential. As the schedule becomes very hectic, it is common that most of the employees suffer from common ailments like stress, obesity, etc. Engage in some physical fitness program by joining any gym that is opened 24 hours.
These tips can really help you to perform better in the professional life during night shifts. Engage yourself and it is always better to make a routine that controls a disciplined schedule
The Food Culture at Call Center – An Overview
If you are the part of a call center industry, you must be a happy person if you are allowed to have your favorite food at your desk. In reality, a very few call centers give you the freedom to enjoy you delicacies at your work-station. There might be a lot of such incidents where calling agents are seen fighting with their boss for not letting them have their snacks or burgers while working. Giving the green signal for the food lover is logical only if the employers follow the ethics of eating without disrupting the working process involved in carrying out effective BPO services.
Problem Faced by Call Centres!
Permitting food for the calling agent is not a big issue. But, if the agents do not follow some discipline in their passion, a lot of problems can occur naturally. For example, having food that contains curry, gravy or sticky elements can cause disorder in the workstations. Having chocolate or any fizzy drinks can spoil the keyboard or the headsets and hence can be a serious breakdown of communication process. In addition, there are several cases where employees are seen wasting a lot of their time resulting to a lesser productivity in their work. Last but not the least; the edibles can leave some nasty smell that can cause imbalance in the surrounding workstations.
What should be the type of eatables?
There may be a great variety of eating habits that can vary from employees to employees. It is very hard to make a common routine that can actually make them happy. Therefore, it is recommended that the meals and drinks that are served or allowed to eat do not hamper the health.
Some of the usual eatables that have remained the best choice:
- Fruit and fiber bars
- Energy drinks (water, herbal tea)
- Breakfast bars
- Liquid vitamin
- Amino acid energy supplements
Foods with the above mentioned category are scientifically proven healthy and resultant. The call center services followed by big BPOs often goes through a schedule that includes long sitting hours, continuous engagement over telephone and no body movement. In these aspects, it is very essential to guide the employees how to maintain a food style that causes little health hazards and zero physical dis-orders.
Today, BPOs have undertaken various food policies that benefit the employees and the overall performance of the processes they work upon. Using subsidized canteens, quality aspects and environmental consciousness have become a part of most of the work cultures of MNC. A good food culture always supports the employees to perform their tasks in an outstanding manner. Good food keeps a control over the health and thus has the potential to motivate the workers to produce effective results with a smile on their face.
Music On Hold – Connecting Customers Through A Rhythm!
Have you ever gone through a situation where a beautiful music was being played while your call was being put on hold during the transfer process to the desired extension? You must be delighted to wait as the music must have been suiting your ears. The waiting becomes more enjoyable if you listen to your favorite song during the hold process. This Music On Hold process is a very pleasant way to engage the customer on hold without letting him/her to end the actual call. Music On Hold is a powerful marketing tools that build a professional image in front of your customers. This technique helps to entertain their callers when they are on hold by playing Music Backgrounds and Voice Messages of different kinds. In addition, it allows the caller to acquire some vital aspect about your business in manner that they were hardly aware before doing a call.
Customers and clients can establish an ethical relation, only when the communication process tends to be friendly and responsive. If a customer is waiting for a long period of time, it is very natural he/she would disconnect the call or start calling them gain after sometime. But, practically speaking, a customer will never revert if a direct ignorance is shown in the very first attempt. Therefore, to retain that customer, it is essential in your part to engage him through any process with some innovative mediums.
The requirement for a professional and entertaining approach to telephone messaging gradually entered a new phase and companies could not stop anymore to promote their services through the audio marketing programs. The playback of sensible business services acted like a tool that not only explains their services with a direct approach but also to make the customers feels that the business organization is taking interest for them.
But one important fact is that, “How do you select a special message or music theme that can attract a customer to hold for long?” The simple solution is by taking the copyright from the original labels and using it for your customers. This process is generally applicable with payment policies as per the rules and regulations notified by the Copyright Act. If you want to escape this situation, it is always advisable to make any jingle with a customized message that can be developed by any production house. This option is considered to be safe and you have the advantage of delivering the best promotional tips and suggestions as per your company requirements.
Music on hold creates company’s goodwill in a better way. Customers with a pleasant humor will always be connected to the organization and retain their relationship for a longer period of time. The music themes for your organization can be subscribed from numerous Internet libraries and can be changed regularly as per your choices. Therefore, it is finally recommended that the royalty of a music theme should be owned from a reputed music house which can subsequently engage the customer on hold without creating any annoyance with the customers. It is also a great support to the IVR technology with a complete assurance to keep customers quiet and informed.