Customer Satisfaction Model at Bluechip Callcenter

The end goal for each Agent who works at our customer support inbound call center is – complete customer satisfaction. We at Bluechip Callcenter adopt our self-developed model to accomplish this goal. Our methodical approach makes it simple for the clients to understand how our call center solution will ensure best customer satisfaction levels. We share our model with you, so that you may know the various factors that lead to a satisfied, delighted and loyal customer.

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Learn to Manage an Underperforming Team of Inbound Call Center

The customer service representatives (CSRs) are the main pillars that establish the construction of a sturdy call center. The individual roles played by each and every CSR are very essential to deliver a performance that determines the overall sales of the call center. But team working in most of the call centers often goes through a stage that deliberately acts as an interruption in the personal aspects and the organizational growth. What may be the reasons that have initiated issues? Have the call centers keep an eye on the in-depth factors that have led to the downfall. In order to maximize the return on investment (ROI), business establishments must put in place effective call center performance management programs that assist monitor the customer care approach.

1. Agent Development:

Open communication and clear expectations are two basic fields that measure the call center performance management. The success lies with the hard work and dedication of well trained and call center employees for successful call center performance management system. The agents are the voice of the company and that are the only resources from where all the business communities establish the relation and decide to follow an approach. The calling agents must be well trained on how to deal with complex people, the sales techniques and the complete picture of their performance. An ongoing coaching is also a vital aspect to enhance this factor.

2. Metrics Based Evaluations:

To attain the best levels of customer care services, the role of the call center metrics is vital. Therefore, it is a fact that call center performance tends to focus on numbers and therefore, it is important that all the agents in the business processes should appreciate what each metric represents and must know exactly what a passing measure is. The organizational hierarchy of the customer care team must have the access to the individual metrics as well as those of the entire team.

3. Reward Arrangements:

The agents dedicating their career in the call center outsourcing industry can be well controlled if the rewarding arrangements are properly made on time. A team that is highly motivated is simply like an extraordinary performing machine. When the CSRs sense that their professional offerings are respected and translate into tangible benefits, they tend to exhibit better skills in the present and future. The monetary rewards and rewards with promotions can also encourage better level of performance.

Just follow them and see the change in the team very soon.

Inbound Call Center

Monitoring In Inbound Call Centres Can Be Better Now

The revolution of customer service led by the call centers in the modern business chapters has virtually changed the perspective of the 21st era consumers. As these CRM guardians, so called BPO has positively handled the most complex errands, no organization tends to work in a lively manner without some direct or indirect help from these care takers. This industry has become so busy that sometimes the managers dedicate hardly any time for the advanced monitoring process. It is essential because, this will not only improve the performance level but also the overall balance of the call center operations. Here are few tips that can be resourceful:

1. Integrate Customer Satisfaction Assessments:

Inbound call centers services are always better when the performance is measured with customer’s component into the quality monitoring programs. This direct feedback process will add better color to the monitoring level. In addition the call center agents will have a better feedback with their past operations and can direct a new methodology through which then can eliminate the hidden discrepancies. With this approach, the managers can scrutinize each and every record and analyze how the team performed in a specific process. This is good news for all the operations.

2. Foster Team Work:

A team is the backbone of any business process. Until and unless the team is determined, no call center can expect to commit a project with 100% accuracy and quality. Therefore, it is the duty of the managers to integrate some programs that keep the flame high and ignite the passion in their team members to build their personality in their duty. There would be many agents who would be delivering top-notch services confidently. Never, forget to reward them in a special manner. They can be the turning heroes of your organization tomorrow.

3. Complement a Self-Monitoring Module to the Blend:

Last but not the least; it is always beneficial for the senior management to listen to the recommendation led the agents. As the agents of the inbound call centers spend 90% of their time with the customers, they can understand them better that anyone of the floor. Self-evaluation in monitoring is deeply engaged in authorizing the operations positively. The second- or third-party feedback in inbound call centers services does not seems to be lively but it can  actually change the behaviors of the communication process.

Inbound Call Center Services

Customer Response Enhances Business Through Inbound Call Center

The progress of a business organization completely depends upon the consumers. Therefore, it is very important for the organizations to understand the consumer response approach and their reaction to improve their marketing strategies. Customer response happens to start when a firm starts selling their product and services and people call back to know any internal issues.

The response process can be related to multiple segments. It can be carried out in the following approaches:

  • Order Fulfillment
  • Query Resolution
  • Product Inquiries
  • Order Taking
  • Response to Inquiry or Feedback
  • Subscription Services
  • Pre-Sales Post-Sales & Order Fulfillment
  • Documentation & Payment Queries
  • Post-Sales Product Support

The inbound call centers across the globe are carrying out diverse methods to cut down on the discrepancies that are associated with inbound calling services. Call center outsourcing can actually provide with a better approach to the Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The customer response therefore needs a close importance that allows to have a better relationship with the existing clients but also to set a clear road for the future. Customer response through inbound call centers has a lot of advantages and acts as a pillar for building a competition with the business competitors and provides them with regular updates about a product or service.

The main advantages of through inbound call center:

  • There is a better satisfaction, customer retention and loyalty by responding to all customers’ queries promptly and effectively. The scope to communicate positive messages become easy and allows them to resolve any matter with the help of delivering scripted messages to satisfy them.
  • It is convenient for understanding consumers and their intentions which in turn can transform the basic consumer response into important matters for product development or research methodologies. In addition, it is also useful to compile customer information to point main issues that ensures business success.
  • The support to a promotional strategy is a key advantage of customer response. As the communication is directly approached, it helps in the better understanding of the marketing messages and encourages extraordinary result for the promotional activity.

Offshore the call center services that help to build a position that not only make you stand away from your competitors but also to have a deep knowledge about the present consumer trend. A better relation with consumer can be really helpful to develop your marketing goals and reach the target community effectively.

Inbound Call Center Services

The Perfection of Inbound Call Center Services in the Progress of Your Business

Inbound call center services are like a single point of contact created for the customers, which is why; they serve as the face of a business. When a customer calls for help, he expects someone representing the brand to answer the call. Everything that an agent says on the phone is of utmost importance as it represents the brand. Hence, your inbound call center services are of great significance and should never be ignored and always done with due diligence.

The Best Approach for Running Call Centers

Inbound call centers hold immense value for any brand, however, they are not always run according to the expectation of a business owner. As organizations have to spend a lot of time and resources in managing their core operations, they end up ignoring vital inbound call center services. The best thing to do for addressing this problem is to resort to inbound call center outsourcing, which offers the following advantages:

    1. Cost-effective solution:

      The cost of creating an infrastructure, especially in a developed country (e.g. the US and UK) can be backbreaking for any business. A better option is to find an inbound call center outsourcing vendor with an existing call center operation. This instantly eliminates the cost of buying costly infrastructure and you also get the benefit of currency exchange rate (in cases where you outsource to a company with an inferior currency than yours).

    2. Advantage of experienced workforce:

      Inbound call center services is a specialized field that requires a certain skill level in call handling. Although agents can be trained to satisfy customers, it is still a very difficult task especially for someone who is neck deep in managing his core operations.But on the other hand, with inbound call center outsourcing you have the option to choose the agents as per you expectations and perform your work in a better way.

In order to ensure quality in your call center operation, you should partner with someone who has a long-term experience in the field. Bluechip Call Center is one such company that has served its clients for a number of years with great success. To run a perfect call center operation, Bluechip Call Center serves as your ideal starting point.

Some inbound services that are offered by Bluechip Callcenter are as follow:

  1. Live chat support service
  2. Online customer support service
  3. Technical support service
  4. Help desk support service

Bluechip Call Center runs a 24×7 operation that is accessible to clients and their customers from anywhere in the world. Our agents are always ready to help and do their very best to solve your issue in the first attempt. We reward our agents that ensure customer satisfaction, which in turn, keeps them motivated to carry on the good work.


Inbound contact centers are popular and are an integral part of growing and advancing economies across the globe. For any business, it would be a very bad idea to ignore their importance; hence, outsourcing to a call center like Bluechip Call Center makes good business sense.