Call Center Outsourcing

Call Center Outsourcing Trends that will Dominate 2020

Call center industry is just like living organisms. It continues to evolve for becoming fit for the survival with changing environment. This industry witnesses multiple new trends and technologies which allows it to grow as per changing demand of the market.

Some trends which are expected to be prevalent in 2020 are discussed below.

Voice Biometrics

Usually, the user identity-related verification takes a long time which may frustrate the end-consumers. The voice biometrics will ensure that verification process is done passively thereby saving time of consumers and ensuring fraud prevention. Call center outsourcing firms need not to apply some sophisticated technology to implement voice biometrics.Continue reading

9 Upselling and Cross-selling strategies for every business

Every firm aims to improve the sales of their products/services by applying cross-selling and upselling techniques.

Let’s first understand what exactly is meant by upselling and cross-selling.

Cross-selling is generally defined as selling an extra item to the customer along with the main product that customer is already buying. On the other hand, upselling refers to influencing the customers to purchase an item which is of higher value than the original product that customer was planning to purchase. Often, these terms are used interchangeably but they have distinct meaning.

If done strategically, these can improve the sales of the business and can help in achieving the targets more quickly.Continue reading

How to Make Your Customer support services More Customers Centric?

Customer support servicesCustomers are the most important members of a business, whether it is small or large. They are sources of revenue and keeping them happy is the most crucial aspect for the business managers. The companies now rely on the capable services of the call center outsourcing vendor to provide the services they require. This creates a lot of expectations and pressures on the agents in those customer contact centers to perform. Secret code to meeting and even surpassing the expectations of the clients or your immediate managers is to be more customers centric.Continue reading

Rising Trends in the Contact Center Industry

Over the years we have evolved with the persisting trends in the industry. We are not a blindfolded call center outsourcing vendor, with abstinence from the new. Rather we try to incorporate the latest trends into our service as early as we can. This is why our services please the customers and keep them loyal. The year has already passed its first seven months and there are dominant trends flowing in. We thought of sharing some of these trends todayRising trends of customer contact centersContinue reading

How Was Customer Service Brought to Forefront by Outsourcing?

Most of the businesses utilize the services of call centers to interact with the present as well as potential customers. This not only facilitates the handling of telemarketing, customer service or Telesales, but also allows you to focus on the activities for which your business is meant.customer-service No doubt, the companies engaged in the business of call center outsourcing provide services that contribute significantly to a company’s success. In addition, outsourcing facilitates the expansion of your business capabilities, maximization of profits and reduction in expenditure. Besides this, contracting out call center activities to a third-party service provider works wonders in terms of productivity, performance and quality. At the end of the day, a business owner need not worry about customer care.Continue reading