Christmas Gifts for Our Clients

santaHo! Ho! Ho! Santa Claus arrives at Bluechip Callcenter with his bag full of goodies and gifts for all our clients. With every call center solution that you order, now you will get technical support service, Queue Manager and IVR solution absolutely FREE!! So avail this offer before the season gets over.

Santa is also packing special gifts for our employees which he will distribute on the night of Christmas when the best employees and best team will be awarded. So celebrate and make merry, and also save some money. Tis the season to be jolly after all!

Best Performing Team to Be Awarded This Year

Hundreds of our employees are having a common recurring dream these days. All of them are dreaming about their moment of reckoning as these words echo in their dreams – “BlueChip’s annual trophy for the best employee of the Year goes to…” Well the suspense will be over soon. The results will be announced on 28th December, the last Friday of this year 2012. The criteria which will be used to evaluate the performance of employees have already been told to them.

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Lights, Camera and Diwali at Bluechip Callcenter

Called as the ‘festival of lights’, Diwali is one of the most celebrated Hindu festivals. Everybody dresses up in new clothes, lights up lamps and candles, decorates their house, and savours on sweet delicacies. The legendary fable says that the Hindu Lord Ram had returned back to his kingdom after triumph over the evil demon Raavana. A lot of crackers are also burst on this occasion, and the sky is lit with fireworks.Continue reading