Survey on Agent Training in Call Centers

12 years ago

Delivering higher levels of customer satisfaction is a necessity for call center services providers and they try to implement every…

Making Team Leaders More Productive at Bluechip Callcenter

12 years ago

Team leaders play a very crucial role in a call center as they are responsible for handling teams of agents…

Customer Satisfaction Model at Bluechip Callcenter

12 years ago

The end goal for each Agent who works at our customer support inbound call center is – complete customer satisfaction.…

And the winners are….

12 years ago

Besides being the night for celebrations, 31st December is also the Award night at BlueChip Callcenter. The Employees of the…

Theme Party at BlueChip Callcenter on the New Year Eve

12 years ago

To welcome 2013 in our own style, we have given a special theme to our party on the 31st of…

Ready for 2013!

12 years ago

As 2012 draws to an end, we are now drafting our resolutions for the coming year. We at Bluechip Callcenter…

Christmas Gifts for Our Clients

12 years ago

Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Claus arrives at Bluechip Callcenter with his bag full of goodies and gifts for all our clients.…

Best Performing Team to Be Awarded This Year

12 years ago

Hundreds of our employees are having a common recurring dream these days. All of them are dreaming about their moment…

Holiday Season Spells Overload for Order Taking Service

12 years ago

You may be humming Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la… in your holiday mood, but our order…

Special Thanks to All Our Clients

12 years ago

At Bluechip Callcenter, we realize that our clients are our raisons d'être. We thrive because our clients do. So when the…